Showing 526 - 550 of 639 Results
Da Asia de Jo�o de Barros e de Diogo de Couto by De Barros, Joao, Parr, Ruth... ISBN: 9780530523941 List Price: $16.95
English Commons and Forests by Parr, Charles McKew donor, ... ISBN: 9783337329686 List Price: $45.90
Gilds: Their Origin, Constitution, Objects and Later History by Charles McKew donor Parr, C... ISBN: 9780530972473 List Price: $21.95
Da Asia de João de Barros e de Diogo de Couto (Portuguese Edition) by João de Barros, Ruth donor ... ISBN: 9780530523958 List Price: $26.95
La patria de Colón (Spanish Edition) by Rafael Calzada, Charles McK... ISBN: 9780353723160 List Price: $25.95
Descobrimentos, guerras e conquistas dos portuguezes em terras do ultramar nos seculos xv e ... by Emiliano Augusto de Bettenc... ISBN: 9780353691087 List Price: $29.95
Descripcion del Reyno de Galicia, y de las cosas notables del. (Spanish Edition) by Bartolomé Sagrario de Molin... ISBN: 9780353690868 List Price: $23.95
America (Spanish Edition) by Juan Solari, Charles McKew ... ISBN: 9780530814797 List Price: $21.95
Inventory and Survey of the Armouries of the Tower of London : V. 1 by Ffoulkes, Charles John, Par... ISBN: 9781017732658 List Price: $28.95
Histoire des Naufrages, d�laissements de Matelots, Hivernages, Incendies de Navires et Autre... by Eyri�s, J. B. B. (Jean Bapt... ISBN: 9781018856094 List Price: $23.95
Antonio Gallo e la Familia Di Cristoforo Colombo by Staglieno, Marcello, Parr, ... ISBN: 9781018842325 List Price: $22.95
Antonio Gallo e la Familia Di Cristoforo Colombo by Staglieno, Marcello, Parr, ... ISBN: 9781018847740 List Price: $11.95
Histoire des Naufrages, d�laissements de Matelots, Hivernages, Incendies de Navires et Autre... by Eyri�s, J. B. B. (Jean Bapt... ISBN: 9781018851013 List Price: $33.95
Descripcion Del Reyno de Galicia, y de Las Cosas Notables Del by Sagrario de Molina, Bartolo... ISBN: 9781019255469 List Price: $26.95
Christianity in Ceylon : Its Introduction and Progress under the Portuguese, the Dutch, the ... by Tennent, James Emerson, Par... ISBN: 9781015944503 List Price: $30.95
Historia de Los Indios de la Nueva Espana : Crita a Mediados Del Siglo XVI by Motolin�a, Toribio, Parr, C... ISBN: 9781016358712 List Price: $29.95
Historia de Los Indios de la Nueva Espana : Crita a Mediados Del Siglo XVI by Motolin�a, Toribio, Parr, C... ISBN: 9781016363624 List Price: $19.95
Histoire de la d�couverte des �les a�ores et de l'origine de Leur d�nomination d'�les Flamandes by Mees, Jules, Parr, Charles ... ISBN: 9781016426688 List Price: $26.95
Histoire de la d�couverte des �les a�ores et de l'origine de Leur d�nomination d'�les Flamandes by Mees, Jules, Parr, Charles ... ISBN: 9781016437219 List Price: $15.95
Bruges : Histoire et Souvenirs: V. 1 by Duclos, Adolphe Julien, Par... ISBN: 9781016521819 List Price: $35.95
Sketch of the History of the Knights Templars by Parr, Ruth, Parr, Charles M... ISBN: 9781016829632 List Price: $26.95
Sketch of the History of the Knights Templars by Parr, Ruth, Parr, Charles M... ISBN: 9781016834360 List Price: $15.95
Mastering of Mexico by D�az del Castillo, Bernal, ... ISBN: 9781379092308 List Price: $17.95
Gold-Mines of Midian and the Ruined Midianite Cities. a Fortnight's Tour in North-western Ar... by Burton, Richard Francis, Pa... ISBN: 9780344504525 List Price: $32.95
Story of Magellan : And the Discovery of the Philippines by Butterworth, Hezekiah, Parr... ISBN: 9781377946153 List Price: $15.95
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